What is Iboga?
Iboga is an ancient root bark plant medicine that has been used for thousands of years by the Bwiti Tribes of West Africa. It has profound healing powers that sets it apart from other plant medicines. Iboga heals & detoxifies the body, resets the nervous system, clears the mind, and can reconnect you with your soul. It is a visionary plant medicine that creates the perfect space for you to do the sacred work of loving yourself.
What is Bwiti?
Bwiti is a traditional spiritual path. It is the study of life and the art of knowing. It is the ancient tradition that accompanies Iboga Medicine. You cannot have the full healing experience with Iboga without the Bwiti Tradition. When the indigenous people of Gabon inadvertently discovered Iboga thousands of years ago, Iboga taught them everything they needed to know about the fundamentals of life. It taught them how to study and understand themselves, nature, and the medicine. Simply taking medicine is only part of the healing process. The teachings of the Bwiti Tradition are what bridge the lessons you learn in the medicine to understanding how to live your best life in reality. Respecting Iboga Medicine is respecting the Bwiti Tradition. Together, they create the perfect container for you to see and understand the Truth so you can move forward with a new set of tools. We never omit, add, or change anything to the Bwiti Tradition because it was not created by man; it came from the medicine, and it is perfect as it is, just like nature.

Missoko Bwiti Iboga Provider
Sarah is a traditionally trained Missoko Bwiti Iboga provider who trained under the 10th generation Shaman Moughenda Mikala in Gabon, Africa. She has a deep connection with Iboga medicine and lives every day by the simple teachings of the Bwiti tradition. She is passionate about enjoying life and strives to help her clients discover the same level of passion. Sarah has the inherent ability to listen without judgment because she truly sees the good in all people. Her unique approach is gentle and kind, yet honest and direct. She specializes in helping you get to the Truth of who you are, discover your own greatness, and realize how precious this life really is. Sarah's favorite Bwiti teaching is "Love life and life will love you back."
Iboga Plant Medicine Can Help with...
Digital Pamphlets on Iboga Medicine
Healing Retreats